Recently, I was watching a news program where actors from the new movie God’s Not Dead, In God We Trust, were being interviewed.  I was shocked to learn that 40 million Christians do not vote in our elections and 15 million are not even registered to vote!  On one hand, I get it.  Many Christians feel they shouldn’t get involved with worldly affairs or politics of the day.  After all, heaven is our eternal dwelling place and Jesus is our King.  On the other hand, God did establish government, law and justice, and throughout scripture we see men and women serving in governmental roles. 

Some of these were:

  • Adam and Eve were told to rule over God’s creation (Gen. 127-28)
  • Joseph was made governor over all of Egypt (Gen. 41:41; Acts 7:9-10)
  • Moses selected honorable men to judge the people’s disputes (Ex. 18:13-26)
  • Deborah, a prophetess, was judge to Israel (Judg. 4:4)
  • David was anointed king over all of Israel (2 Sam. 5:3-4)
  • Daniel was made ruler over the province of Babylon (Dan. 2:48) and later given authority as the third ruler of the Babylonian kingdom (Dan. 5:29)

As Americans we live in a free society, which gives us the opportunity to participate in the voting process. A privilege many other counties do not have.

My God! how little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy!


When it comes to elections, there are no perfect people and no perfect candidates. We live in a fallen world and our choices are – well, flawed candidates (some worse than others).  Since they are flawed (as we all are), it may be hard to vote for them.  That’s why it is important to look at the candidate’s policies and where they line up biblically.



Romans 13:1-8 makes it clear that God established government.  We are to submit to the governing authorities because they were put in place to punish evildoers and commend those who practice good behavior (1 Pet. 2:13-17).


God created the Ten Commandments.  They are commandments, not suggestions.  They are to be followed and obeyed.  However, we live in a society where people call good evil and evil good (Is. 5:20).  And in doing so, the evil doer justifies their sinful behavior.  But when they are not punished and do not face the music of their crime, evil abounds.  The Lord hates those who love violence (Ps. 11:5).  God expects us to act justly, love kindness, and walk humbly with Him.


God chose the nation of Israel to be His people.  He did not choose them because they were strong and mighty.  He chose them because they were the least of all the people (Deut. 7:6-8) and He delivered them out of Egyptian slavery by His mighty hand.  He loves Israel and will bless those who bless them (Gen. 12:3).


Walls protect and the ancient world knew that extremely well.  They built walls to fortify their cities and protect their citizens.  After the Jews were taken into captivity, a remnant remained in the land.  They were in great distress because the wall of Jerusalem had been broken down and the gates were burned.  When Nehemiah heard the terrible news, he mourned.  Later, Nehemiah approached the king, whom he served as cupbearer, for permission to travel to Jerusalem, for God had placed it on Nehemiah’s mind to rebuild the wall (Neh. 2:5, 11-18-20).  Interestingly, Israel’s adversaries didn’t want the wall built!


After God created Adam and Eve, he instituted marriage.  In God’s eyes, marriage is between a man and a woman.  Genesis 2:24 clearly states, “a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife [opposite/singular] and the two [indicating one man and one woman] shall become one flesh” (emphasis mine).


God is the author of life. He is the one who opens (Gen. 29:31; 30:22) and closes the womb (Gen. 20:17-18). He knit us in our mother’s womb, weaving every minute detail together (Ps. 139:13).  Some in the world today try to define when that life begins, putting limitations on it, but God doesn’t.  Even if that life is created amid horrible circumstances and we don’t know why this happens, we do know God can bring healing. He is a loving God (1 John 4:8) and His thoughts and ways are always higher than ours (Is. 55:8-9).


Matt. 18:6 says, “whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it is better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck and that he be drowned in the sea.”  Many children are being stripped of their innocence because of all the wickedness around us.

Like many, I believe we are witnessing an incredible amount of spiritual warfare right now and our enemy, Satan, would love to tear this country (and families) apart.  After all, he is our adversary and the great deceiver!  I believe a lot is on the line in this election (including our religious freedom).  But I’ve also seen a spiritual awakening across this country, even on several college campuses.  There is hope out there – God’s not dead!  Our country hangs in the balance and you can make a difference by voting and praying for America!

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I should do and, with the help of God, I will do!